Posts Tagged ‘Submit’

The Write Life Returns!

March 30, 2011

Welcome back to The Write Life, the official blog of the Wilkes University Creative Writing Program.  As you can see, we have changed things up a bit.  Each week, we will be posting articles written by professionals from every nook and cranny of the writing industry.  These articles, essays, and personal experiences are meant to enhance your writing life, and to provide you with the tools to sustain an independent career.

My name is Amye Archer, and I will be your host and guide as we traverse this literary landscape.

Your Tour Guide!

I am an MFA student at Wilkes, and will be graduating this June.  I am a mother of four-year-old twin girls, and I also teach part time at some local universities.  As a writing mom, I will also be sharing some of my experiences with you as I try to balance writing and family.

The Write Life is a collaborative effort, written by writers for writers.  With this in mind, we’d love your feedback.  Please feel free to submit ideas for future posts or any ideas or suggestions to In the upcoming weeks, The Write Life will feature craft articles, Q&A’s with agents, advice from editors, and personal accounts of people writing  in every genre.   Some areas of the site are still under construction, so bear with us!  We look forward to providing you with valuable resources to help create your Write Life!